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Favorite college football team?
Y do u like this team?
Who is ur past and/or present player(s)?
When did u start liking this team?
What is ur favorite moment with this team?
Texas or OU?
Ohio State or Michigan?
USC or Nortre Dame?
West Virginia or Louisville?
Army or Navy?
Florida State or Miami(FL)?
Kansas or Kansas State?
Auburn or Alabama?
Oregon or Oregon State?
California or UCLA?
What team(s) do u hate the most?
Who is ur favorite College Football Coach of All-Time?
What do u like about ur favorite player?
What is ur favorite play in College Football history?
what is the most disappointing game u saw about ur team?
What is the disappointing game u saw?
Who is ur favorite player(s), past or present, from ur team?
Barry Sanders or Adrian Peterson?
Roger Stubach or Matt Leinart?
Vince Young or Chris Simms?
Favorite NFL team?
Who is ur All-Time Favorite NFL QB?
Who is ur All-Time Favorite NFL RB?
Who is ur All-Time Favorite NFL WR?
Who is ur All-Time Favorite NFL LB?
Who is ur favorite Linemen? Offensive or Defensive
Bears or Giants?
Colts or Patriots?
Cowboys or 49ers?
Dolphins or Jets?
Falcons or Eagles?
Steelers or Seahawks?
Vikings or Raiders?
Bengals or Cardinals?
Dan Marino or Roger Starbach?
Barry Sanders or Emmit Smith?
Jerry Rice or Terrell Owens?
Ray Lewis or Lawrence Taylor?
Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin or Joe Montana and Jerry Rice?
Has ur team won a Super Bowl before?
If not, do u think u will win the Super Bowl?
What NFL team do u mostly hate?
What NFL team has the hottest Cheerleaders?
Best NFL coach All-Time?
The greatest play or moment in the NFL have u seen?
Favorite College Basketball team
What is the biggest Rivals about this sport?
The team u hate the most.
Best college player from the past?
Best college player right now?
Best moment in history in college basketball?
Disappointing moment in college basketball?
Has ur team won a national championship?
if not, in the future, do u think they will?
UNC or Duke?
USC or California?
Illnois or Michigan?
Gonzaga or Wake Forest?
Ohio State or UTEP?
Villanova or UCONN?
Florida or UCLA?
George Mason or Memphis?
Boston College or Georgetown?
Michigan State or Indiana?
Adam Morrison or J.J. Reddick?
John Wooden or Larry Brown?
Dee Brown or Rudy Gay?
Shelden Williams or Glen Davis?
LaMarcus Aldridge or Joakim Noah?
James Worthy or Tyler Hansbrough?
Favorite NBA team All-Time?
Favorite Coach?
What team do u hate the most?
Favorite player from ur team.
Favorite player NOT from ur team.
Player that u hate.
Spurs or Mavericks?
Pistons or Heat?
Suns or Kings?
Celtics or Lakers?
Nets or Knicks?
Rockets or Trailblazers?
Hawks or Bulls?
Michael Jordan or Dominique Wilkins?
Tim Duncan or Rasheed Wallace?
Kareem Abdul-Jabar or Wilt Chamberlain?
Ben Wallace or Shaquille O'Neal?
Slam Dunk Contest or 3-Point Shootout
Larry Bird or Ervin "Magic" Johnson
Ray Allen or Peja Stojakovic?
Nate Robinson or Andre Iguodala?
LeBron James or Dwayne Wade?
Who has been the best coach in the NBA history?
Old School or NOW?
The Greatest moment that have ever happened in the NBA?

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