"I used to be afraid of mooses... now I'm just afraid.
Friendster Layouts"
More about Martin
Schools (Other):
University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, Santa Fe High School, Grinnell College
psychology graduate research assistant
Hobbies and Interests:
psycholinguistics, psychology, german, philosphy, anthropology, hippopotami, atheism, skepticism, beer, travel, music, creativity, females, music
Favorite Books:
obscure philosophical texts
Favorite Movies:
american pie series, some foreign movies, cheesy comedies
Favorite Music:
go betty go, punk, ska, emo, misfits, grandaddy, promise ring, black flag, fifteen, foreign music
Favorite TV Shows:
I don't give a rat's ass
Zodiac Sign:
About Me:
I used to be afraid of mooses... now I'm just afraid.
Who I Want to Meet:
( - _ - ) bored!?? *No MoRe*
(")'""(") ???
( = . =) uNhApPiEz??! *NaHzZz*
(")'""(") !!!!~
( T : T) SaD??! *nO WaY*
(")'""(") ****
( ' ; ' ) StAy Cu+e!!!
(")'""(") ^^^^
( ^ ; ^ ) & HaPp! aLwAyXx!!
happy birthday to u...
kind of drop hints in conversation to
suggest that they are smart but most
really smart people don't do that
intentionally. you have to figure it out
yourself. martin is the second kind.
plus, if you and martin are both in town
at the same time and you give him a
call, he alsways will show up to hang out.
character. i know nothing of martin.
except that he'll stick up for me when
crazy online stalkers start calling me
names, and he tells people to discuss a
lot. often on interesting topics.
also, he has little to no reaction when
i tell him i would like to hump him. so
planet, just about. He can diagnose
your bizarre psychological disorders,
all the while making you laugh. He can
also say "I am the big cheese" in 48
languages. One day he will rule the
world and change his name to Oog. I
will be his co-pilot.
Oh- and Martin is my brother.
martin is god... mussst follow martin...