output form Answer these questions about me AS FRANKLY AS POSSIBLE. Note: I won't get hurt over honest opinions anyway. - Pimp-My-Profile.com
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Let me know about you first.
Do I know you personally? (Y/N)
Do you think that you know much about me already? (Y/N)
How do you usually pronounce my name? (Yves/Eevs/Ayvs)
Please be honest to the next questions. I seriously am more pleased if you'll be honest.
What was your first impression about me?
Do you think your first impression was correct? (Y/N)
^How can you say so?
Am I Annoying? (Y/N)
^How can you say so?
Am I really offensive? (Y/N)
^How can you say so?
Am I really talented when it comes to music? (Y/N)
^How can you say so?
Enumerate my GOOD characteristics that you like.
Enumerate my BAD characteristics that you don't like.
If you are going to reprimand me of one thing, what would it be?
Am I just a nuisance? (Y/N)
^How can you say so?
Reminder: Please be frank and honest.
Here are more sensitive questions.
Am I easy to hate? (Y/N)
Do you hate me (Y/N)
^If No put X. If Yes, for what reason?
Am I easy to become your friend (1), or was I really that detached to this world(2)? (1/2)
Is my voice really that hard to hear? (Y/N)
Do you think I'm that disgusting?
*May I warn you, if you're just playing around on this, stop it.
What you think of me is what matters most.
*Note: When you can't think of what to answer, please put an underscore on the field to omit.
Give three words that best describe me.
Explain the first word.
Explain the second word.
Explain the third word.
When you see me/hear my name, what thing do you think of?
Do you think a long hair (like what I currently have) doesn't suit me? (Y/N)
Do you think I could easily hate other people? (Y/N)
Do you agree with me that there is something in me/my appearance that repels other people/makes me avoided by other people? (Y/N)
This portion serves like a "Friend Evaluation" test. If you aren't my friend, put on all the questions in this section with an "X" as answer.
*Reminding you again to answer honestly. This is for my improvement.
Do you think you can consider me a 'good friend'? (Y/N)
Were there times that you were annoyed of me? (Y/N)
^If NO, answer with underscore. If Yes, give a range of about how many times have you felt annoyed.
Was there a time I physically hurt you? (Y/N)
Was there a time I have hurt you with what I said? (Y/N)
Is my frankness offensive? (Y/N)
Was there a time that you thought of doing anything else rather than be with me? (Y/N)
Do you think I lie excessively to you/other people? (Y/N)
Point out to me my major turn-offs. ( / )
***Last few questions for everybody***
Is there something you wanna tell me, yet you cannot do in person? (Y/N)
If NO, a "_". If YES, put it here while you can.
Thanks for answering this survey about me.
***Now, it could be too late to say, yet better late than never. ONLY ME would have access to your responses, and they are not to be disclosed to anyone. Thanks!***
Finally, here are few more questions about your identity.
Optional: Who are you? (If you don't want to answer, put an X.)
If you answered X on ^ the following questions require answers. Answer with underscore if you revealed you name.
UPV Student? (Y/N)
^If no, put "_" . If Yes, acad org?
Certify that you know me personally by answering correctly at least 5 of the ff. questions.
In what university do I study?
What degree program am I taking up?
How old am I?
What freshman dorm am I in?
What upperclass dorm did I apply to?
What is the room number of the room I stayed this 1st year?
What was the subject that I had a grade of 4.0 in my first semester in this university?
What is my favorite color?
What musical instrument do I play?
What is the color of my laptop?
What is the brand of my laptop?
Thanks a lot for your response in this survey
I expect your honesty.

Output Format

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