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Do you consider yourself a geek?
Which one: Star Wars or Star Trek?
Who is your favorite Dr. Who? (a description is fine if you don't know the actor's name, like "the guy with the jelly babies and the scarf")
Do you remember DOS?
Which Dune is your favorite? The David Lynch, or Sci Fi Channel remake?
Do you know your "geek code"?
If the above was yes, what is it, and tell us what it means..
Mac or PC?
How do you feel about Bill Gates?
How do you feel about Steve Jobs?
Dc Comics or Marvel?
What do you do (besides get on the internet)?
Do you talk like you type?
Ever been to a GenCon (or similar convention)?
Can you speak Quenya?
How about Klingon?
Any other 'fictional' language?
Captain Kirk or Captain Picard?
Can you name at least 5 different races from Star Wars/Star Trek? (besides the obvious Wookie, Human, Klingon, Romulan, Ewok, etc etc)
Do you read any books or fanfiction about your favorite Sci-Fi/fantasy series?
Do you write your own fanfiction of your favorite series?
What color blood does Spock bleed?
Do you have philosophical debates about your favorite series?
Have you ever accidentally or on purpose used netlingo in your daily speech? (not typing, just talking to someone normally, like say "lol" in a conversation)
Do you believe time travel could be possible?
How about 'quantum leaping'?
Do you read any daily news about science and technology?
Do you subscribe to any e-lists or groups about science/technology or your favorite sci fi series? (give examples)
Do you read any of the classics? (George Orwell, Isaac Asimov, etc)
Your thoughts on Wormholes, do they exist?
Ever visit: http://www.hawking.org.uk?
If yes, what did you think?
Who are Wizards of the Coast?
Ever take the Geek test? http://www.innergeek.us/geek-test.html
What did you score? (the creator of this test is a high-end scoring "extreme geek")
Do you know what THAC0 means?
Do you know the difference between Linux and Unix?
Ever written your own software?
Write webpages with HTML code (not those html generators)?
Are you enjoying this test?
Ever follow any intellectual persuits out of sheer joy, not because you have to?
Dress up even if it isn't Halloween?
If you are an adult, do you have a 'geeky job (i.e. computer programmer, technical writer, graphics designer etc)
If you are still a youngin', do you WANT to have a job like that someday?
Are you a people person, or do you prefer solitude?
Do other areas of your life reflect your geekiness? (Clothes, religious beliefs, accessories like a pocket protector, etc)
Do you do well at trivia games?
Watch Jeopardy?
Know you could whip Ken Jennings?
And Finally: Is Geek really Chic?

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